4 September 2014

Hello friends, Today I had the opportunity to interview one of my absolute favourite bloggers, Harper.

1. Hello Harper, tell me about yourself?
I'm a 14 year old creative, blogger, avid photo-taker, and outfit changer. I really love nothing better than a day on the beach accompanied with fanciful daydreams of world travel. Through my blog I share outfits, DIY's, photography and everything in-between.

2. What is your fashion style?
Fun, girly, bright and constantly changing. At the moment my wardrobe is made up of a number of beach ready outfits, polka dots, a whole bunch of navy, and collared tees. As well as all that, a growing collection of stripes and shoes in the making.

3. How long have you been blogging for and who or what inspired you to start?
I first had a blog when I was 10 years old when my mum started one. When I saw all the cool things that she could do with it I was so excited because a lot of it were things that I really loved - 
Taking photos, writing and being able to document time. After a few months of this, this first blog fizzled out and I didn't begin blogging again until January this year when my friend Zali told me about her blog. From then, I since become a complete blogging addict and I am enjoying  every minute of it!   

4. What are you currently obsessed with?
What am I currently obsessed with? Well, there are SO many wonderful things out there at the moment that I simply can't get enough of, if I had to narrow it down to just a few... 
I would have to say Doc Martens shoes, blogging, people with super cool style, good music, photo-taking, beach days, world travel and all things shiny. 

5. What would have to be your favourite thing about blogging?
My favourite things about blogging would be, being able to express yourself to people through out the globe. As well as that having the ability to connect with and make friends with amazing people from through out the world is an incredible thing that I am continually pinching myself with excitement over. 

6. What occupation do you want when you're older?
When I'm older I hope to be a photographer, blogger and entrepreneur. If I could have a career that I LOVE and am passionate about that is my ultimate dream. 

7. If you had to nail it down to five, who would your favourite bloggers be?
- Miss Zali Blog
- Emily Jane 

- Antlered Fawn
- Views of Now 
- Gary Pepper Girl

8. Is there any advice you could give to beginner bloggers out there? 
Keep doing what you love. 
Create as much as possible, and always try to think up new and unique ideas.
And on top of all that, love what you're creating and have fun doing all of it!

Thanks so much for interviewing me!
xx Harper 

That's okay. Thank you for allowing me to harper, it's been a pleasure!
XO Beau Fleur 


  1. Hi Paris, really cool interview! I found your blog a couple of days ago and I love it xx

    1. Why thank you Miranda it really means so much! And it's a cool interview because I'm interviewing an extremely cool person. X

  2. Oh thank you Paris! You are the best!
    xx Harper

    1. Awwwww, you continue to make me smile Harper! Xx
