22 November 2014

Do you ever get stuck on truths to ask your friends whilst playing the well known game "truth or dare"? 
Well your not alone I do too! 
And to help you a little bit I'm going to list some truths below..

01. What fear keeps you up at night?
02. Would you change something about your appearance? If so what?
03. What are you most likely to become famous for?
04. What's your worst pet peeve?
05. Who's your latest crush?
06. If you could have one superpower what would it be?
07. If you had that superpower would you tell the world or keep it to yourself?
08. Do you posses a talent no one else knows about? If so what is it?
09. What is the one food you cannot say no to?
10. If you were on a deserted island what are three things you'd take with you?
11. Have you ever written a love letter to someone?
12. Do you owe anyone money at this moment in time?
13. Do you pick your nose?

Hopefully those questions help you out in the next "truth or dare" game you play. 
By the way if you liked this and would like to see a "Dares" post just tell me below in the comments .

XO Beau Fleur


  1. Good ideas! Just, 'Who's your crush?' gets old after a while! :') - Brianna

  2. Great Ideas! I will definitely use these in the future! I would LOVE some dares :) Thinking of a sweet DIY idea... (and I'm very uncreative when it comes to thinking of things like this :D ) Mary x

  3. Love the ideas! And I am in love with your blog design, I wish mine was this minimalistic. xx
