13 October 2015

Hello there!

I haven't posted in so long! & today I am super happy to finally be posting again. Though I've lacked actually posting anything lately, my head has still been buzzing with blog post ideas, & I have started a few of them, it's just completing, and posting them, where I fall down.

This post is the beginning of a series of posts called 25 things. (The title is pretty self explanatory!) Each 25 things post, will have 25 things in a collage. The first one is... 25 cakes, as you may have guessed from the collage above... I have scanned the internet & Pinterest to find what I believe are some of the most prettiest & coolest cakes EVER!... Except for my Mum's cakes, because they really are the COOLEST & PRETTIEST.

There are plenty more 25 things posts to come. I hope you're having an amazing week!

- P


  1. Ahh how amazinggg - this post is just too good <33

    Emily // Lynde Avenue Designs

  2. I think I'm in heaven now... :)
    -Elsie http://the101blog101.blogspot.com.au

    1. Haha! Would you like to be added to my favourites readers section?
